The Workout Program For Building an Aesthetic Physique

The Training Program

One of the most common questions you’re asked as a personal trainer is “What kind of workout do the abercrombie or fitness models use?” So after hearing this question for the hundredth time we developed this specialized program that gives a step-by-step guide to achieving that male fitness model physique that women die for. This workout isn’t your everyday fitness workout that calls for 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 reps on the bench press, this workout is designed for the guys who want a body like an abercrombie model, six pack and all.

This workout guide not only covers what kind of training to do in the gym, but also gives diet suggestions and supplementation tips to help increase the effectiveness of the entire fitness model program. So if all your looking for is a workout program to help burn off the 5 extra pounds you gained from thanksgiving, this isn’t the workout for you. However if your looking for a workout program that’ll build the kind of body that’ll have women drooling when you take your shirt off at the beach, this IS the program for you.

About the Abercrombie Workout

The abercrombie workout is a three-step fitness training program that concentrates on specific exercise routines, diets, and supplements that work together to build the physique of a male fitness model. So whether it’s the body of a male fitness model, abercrombie model, or just your favorite actor, this training program gives a step by step guide to effectively building that male model physique in the shortest amount of time possible.

Why Use A Fitness Model Workout?

The abercrombie workout takes advantage of cutting edge research in fitness training, diet, and supplementation to deliver the best possible results in the shortest amount of time. The workout itself utilizes a combination of specialized workout routines and proper nutrition guidelines that lead to extremely high levels of muscle hypertrophy and overall growth, while at the same time burning extra body fat. Due to high level of specialization the abercrombie workout is extemely effective in building the same physique as the fitness models you see everyday.

What’s Wrong With a Regular Workout Program?

The problem with the majority of fitness routines is that they’re designed for either out of shape individuals who are trying to lose a few pounds or for the high school football player trying to put on as much size and strength as possible (at the expense of their appearance.) No one wants to put on 10 pounds of muscle if it comes along with 10 pounds of fat. Why, because all that muscle will be hidden and it will just make the individual look larger and even more out of shape. Come on, no girl is going to find the body of an NFL lineman attractive, while on the other hand these same women will go crazy over the picture of the abercrombie model on their shopping bag.

The key to building a physique that catches the attention of everyone at the beach is building solid level of muscle and then burning off the fat that covers it. In addition to this, the muscle has to be built in the right places. For example, a person with a large and sculpted chest but the arms of a 13 year old will look awkward and unattractive, so the key to an appealing physique is not only size but also muscle symmetry.

Now lets get started with The Abercrombie Program Overview

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