Truth About Abs Review – Does it Work

Program Overview

Note: This is a review of the truth about abs program by our staff. Click here to visit the official website.


The truth about abs workout program is just that, a complete workout program. A lot of people who ask us about the program think it’s just going to be a simple 10 minute workout but rather it’s a complete system for developing a ripped physique with emphasis on building a defined set of six pack abs.

The program is about as sound of a workout program as you can find. It breaks down everything with detailed exercise explanations and comprehensive diet tips and strategies that help maximize your overall results without making you go crazy. Trust me this is important if you’ve ever tried to count calories or macro’s, these guidelines are a piece are cake while still being extremely effective.

Is it a Scam? Is it Worth It?

For some reason a lot of people wonder if the Truth About Abs program is a scam. I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not a scam. Rather it is one of the most well rounded and proven workout programs for someone whose goal is to get that defined six pack.

Not only is Mike Geary, the author of Truth about abs, a well respected and certified personal trainer, he makes sure you get way more than you bargained for with his program. Not only do you get the workout program but you also get all of the following at no additional cost.

  • The complete workout manual with easy to follow diet and exercise guidelines.
  • The fast track meal planner
  • The metabolic calculator
  • The 8 Week fusion workout guide
  • The 5 Simple Keys to Guaranteed Fat Loss DVD
  • Free Subscription to the Lean Body Fitness Secret’s Newsletter
  • And more which you can read about here



100% Money Back Guarantee. It’s really that good. Mike is that confident you will be happy with your purchase and for good reason.
Based on Sound and Proven Principles.
Quick & Easy to Follow Workouts
It Works – Just read some of these user reviews


No video’s included. If you prefer video over pictures and text this might be an issue.
You need to be dedicated. As with any workout program.

Overall Rating:

Overall the truth about abs program is probably one of, if not the best workout program for someone whose goal is to get that chiseled mid-section. It’s not only an extremely effective program but all of the bonus’s included in the package make it a no brainer for anyone who is serious about getting in shape.

Our team gives the truth about abs workout program a 5/5.

To get your copy of truth about abs or to find out even more about the program click here!

5/5 - (2 votes)